Trader Terms
Trader Terms and Conditions

By submitting an application form you are legally binding yourself to abide by our terms and conditions of trading.
Please ensure you have read them and made your staff aware of them prior to the event. The management reserves the right to evict from site anyone breaking this contract, or behaving in an illegal, aggressive, or disorderly manner.
Please use the online form provided for your application. No other type of application will be accepted.
Ideally applications should be submitted before 31st March (the year of the festival). You will be informed if you have been successful during April at which point you will be advised of your pitch position and arrival time. Should you accept, a 10% non-refundable deposit will be required within 14 days to secure the Pitch. The final balance for Pitch fees must be paid in full by 1st June (the year of the festival). Failure to pay the final balance will result in the pitch being offered to someone else and you will lose your deposit.
Applications are accepted on the assurance that the merchandise described on the form is all that will be sold on
your stall at the Festival. Please give a thorough description as this is a large factor in how we base our decision on
who we invite to trade. Please also state the prices you will charge to customers.
The festival will not accept liability for any loss or damage to persons or equipment.
The stall holder shall provide copies of the following certification on application:
Public Liability Insurance
Employers Liability Insurance (if applicable)
Health & Safety Policy if applicable (five or more employees)
Risk Assessment for event
COSHH assessment for event (if applicable)
Equipment test certificates/stickers
Coverings for stall must be of fireproof material and marked as such
Health and Safety officials will be inspecting stalls before and during the event. Any stall not complying with the accepted standards and fire regulations will be closed down and all staff will be required to leave.
All mobile caterers and non-food stalls must comply with the requirements of the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995, The Food Safety Act 1990, and both the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as applicable. In respect of Fire Safety all Traders must comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 as well as adhering to more specific HSE Guidelines for Work Process Fire Safety.
No application will be considered without an appropriate and current risk assessment.
All electrical equipment will carry PAT/electrical safety certification; this must be available for inspection at the
event. As far as practicable, all electrical equipment shall be located so that it cannot be touched by members of the public or unauthorised workers.
All traders shall provide a 5kg dry powder fire extinguisher and a light duty fire blanket. Each stall must also have an appropriate first aid kit.
Unless specifically agreed with Weyfest, generators are not allowed. Onsite power will be made available and details will be provided if your application is successful. All traders will provide onsite, certification to the effect that any approved LPG installations have been recently inspected by a CORGI registered engineer. Only gas bottles in use plus one in reserve can be kept with the stall at any time, any others must be kept in a locked area provided by the site (with labels indicating stall ownership). No LPG bottles and Oil drums are to be left on site.
All marquees, tents or other self-build structures should be of sound construction including all supporting poles, frames, guy ropes, stakes anchors and fastenings etc. and all guy ropes and fixing stays shall be conspicuously marked to ensure they do not present a trip hazard. Standard light-duty garden gazebos are NOT suitable for trading as they are likely to be blown away even by light winds.
Construction of such temporary structures must comply with the MUTA ( Best Practice Guide where applicable and inspection on site may be subject to the guide;Recommended minimum checklist for assembled structures; at the discretion of Weyfest. Non-compliance may result in closure of the stall
You will be allocated a set number of numbered wristbands which must be carefully worn by yourself and your staff at all times on site. Any broken, incomplete, or loose wristband will not be considered valid and will be removed, along with the wearer, by security.
There is to be no amplified sound as part of your stall unless specifically agreed with Weyfest during your application process.
The sale of alcohol, weapons, wax flares, sky lanterns and BBQs are all banned. Anyone to be found breaching the licensing laws will be removed from site immediately and prosecuted.
Due to the nature of the site, vehicle movement is restricted and will be marshalled. You will be allocated a date and time slot for arrival and set up. All vehicles must report to the front gate, where they will be greeted and directed. If you arrive outside of your allocated slot you may be directed to a holding area where you will have to wait until your slot time or until you are allocated a new slot.
Camping in the arenas (adjacent to trader stalls) is not permitted.
ANY DELIVERIES MUST BE MADE BETWEEN 8AM AND 10.00AM after which time there will be NO VEHICLE MOVEMENT ON SITE. The management reserves the right to change these times as necessary. It will therefore be your responsibility to check with gate staff if expecting deliveries or leaving the site for any reason.
Once sited you must stay within the Pitch boundary and may under no circumstances move your pitch without express permission from the trader manager or nominated deputy. Failure to comply will result in your being asked to re-position your stall or to leave the site.
Anyone found to be using or selling illegal drugs will be immediately shut down and reported to the authorities.
Each Food Trader will be provided with a 1200L bin included as part of their pitch. Should they require more capacity this must be made clear upon application and further bins will be provided at extra cost, otherwise the Trader must take any excess waste away with them upon leaving site.
You may not sell goods from any area other than your designated pitch, sell goods other than those indicated on your application, or trade outside of the designated trading hours, as this will constitute illegal trading, and you will
be closed down. Unauthorised use of the Weyfest logo is strictly prohibited.
Designated trading hours are 1pm – 11.30pm (Fri); 11am to 11.30pm (Sat); 11am to 11pm (Sun) unless otherwise agreed. Restrictions may apply to Friday trading and these will be made clear during the application process.
All stalls must remain open and manned during these hours unless agreed with Weyfest in advance through the application process. You may not sell drinks in glass containers. The whole site has a No Glass Policy. Food Traders MUST use sustainable utensils, food trays and cups, polystyrene is NOT permitted
Smoking is allowed in designated areas ONLY – Please ask where these are. Failure to comply can result in expulsion from the event.
Traders may under no circumstance sublet all or part of their pitch. Your signature is a contract between YOU and the Weyfest Ltd.
Each stall is to be responsible for the cleanliness of their pitch, both back and front, including the public area immediately in front of your stall. Litter inspections will be randomly carried out over the weekend, and if your area is unacceptably littered you may be asked to shut down.
In the event of a cancellation by the trader after payment, there will be a forfeit of 25% of the total pitch price. If the cancellation occurs within 14 days of the event; the total cost will be forfeited. In the situation that the event is cancelled, Weyfest cannot be found liable for consequential loss. All prepaid monies will be returned. The decision by a member of Weyfest Ltd Management is final in all disputes.